
Azi, timp de cateva ore, cateva persoane din Asociatia Harmony and hope Iasi, ne-am ocupat de facut mancare si de distribuit oamenilor strazii. Meniul de azi a fost orez cu legume si cu snitele de pui, la care am adaugat cate o doza de suc. Am primit donatie pentru oamenii strazii, cateva zeci de doze cu suc pe care le distribuim odata cu caserolele cu mancare. Partea cu sucul a fost o noutate pe care beneficiarii au apreciat-o cu adevarat, pentru ca in general, odata cu mancarea, le dam apa. Dupa cum veti vedea si din poze, in unele locuri oamenii stau in spatele unor blocuri, unde persoane binevoitoare le-au adus niste saltele, iar alaturi de ele, isi tin bagajele in geamantane. Altii, au fost mai putin norocosi pentru ca locatarii de la blocuri au facut reclamatie ca sunt saltele si lucruri imprastiate pe langa blocul lor, au venit cei de la Salubris si au ridicat tot ce au gasit , inclusiv saltelele si paturile de invelit. Langa niste tomberoane din Galata, o femeie cauta prin gunoi si ne-a spus ca are acasa 3 copii pentru care are nevoie de hrana si ca de cateva saptamani a ramas fara serviciu si nu mai are cum sa le cumpere de mancare, asa ca se ocupa de cautat diverse lucruri pe care le vinde sau le foloseste acasa. Cam asta este viata unor oameni care candva au avut si ei o familie, copii, o casa, un job, dar din diverse motive, au ajuns sa traiasca pe strazi. Inca nu este iarna si deja la multi, mai ales dintre cei mai batrani, le este frig. Azi l-am gasit pe unul din ei dardaind de frig, cu mainile bagate in maneci pana in varful degetelor, cu mai multe haine pe el, care nu reuseau sa-l incalzeasca. Ne-am oprit undeva si am luat niste manusi, fulare , ciorapi mai grosi si caciula si i le-am dus, sperand sa-i fie mai cald cu ele. Asa ca , toti cei care aveti pe acasa niste geci mai groase de care va puteti lipsi, manusi groase, cizme / ghete, paturi de invelit, ne puteti contacta si noi venim si le luam.
Va multumim pentru ajutor!

Today, for a few hours, we’ve been doing food and distributing the homeless. Today’s menu was rice with vegetables and chicken schnitzels, which I added a dose of soda. I got a donation for homeless people, a few dozen doses of juice we distribute with food trays. The juice part was a novelty that the beneficiaries really appreciated, because in general, with food, we give them water. As you can see from the pictures, in some places, people are sitting behind some blocks, where nice people brought them mattresses, and with them, they keep their luggage in suitcases. Others, they were less fortunate and because the residents of the block claimed that there were mattresses and things scattered around their block, came and picked up everything they found, including mattresses and beds. This is the life of people who once had a family, children, a house, a job, but for various reasons, they ended up living on the streets. It’s still not winter and already many, especially of the elders, are cold. Today we found one of them dardaind from the cold, with their hands come up to their fingertips, with more clothes on him that couldn’t warm him. We stopped somewhere and took some gloves, mufflers, socks and the hat and I took them, hoping to get warmer with them. So, everyone who’s got some jackets you can spare, thick gloves, boots, beds, you can contact us and we’ll come and get them.
Thanks for your help!

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